Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Stuck in the 80s

As I drove home from tap tonight, since the O's game was postponed, I was flipping around the radio. I found Bon Jovi's "I'll Be There For You" on Jack and happily sang along. (And counted to make sure that it's five words. Because I have to make sure every time I hear that song. Apparently I don't remember from the previous time. Or believe Jon.) Then they said that it was 9 at 9, where they play 9 songs from one year; the year tonight was 1989.

There's a part of me that's firmly stuck in the 80s. In 1989 I turned 11, and a large chunk of me still thinks that things that were cool then are still cool. My dancing style hasn't particularly changed, and I can't really mock some of the outfits I see on old tv shows and movies, because the 10-year-old in my mind is going, "But she looks cool!" Not all styles, mind you, but a lot. It's sad, really.

Anyway, after Bon Jovi and the announcement of 9 at 9, I thought I recognized the very beginning of the next song. "Is this 'Iko'?" I wondered. And it totally was. And it was the version that I think of when I think of that song; I actually have another version of it on CD. After that was "Like a Prayer." Then "Cult of Personality," which I appreciate for countering each bad guy (Josef Stalin) with a good one (Ghandi). Also, awesome video.

I maintain that 80s music is far superior to anything that has come since.

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