Friday, April 25, 2008

Welcome back, Logan

As has been documented, probably my favorite part of Veronica Mars was Jason Dohring as Logan. So I checked out Dohring's post-VM gig tonight, Moonlight. Coming into the show-mid-season, all I knew about it was that it was about vampires. And at first, I was completely underwhelmed. Part of the problem is that it is, essentially, a procedural. He's a PI who investigates crimes, with a twist. (Vampire!) (Only, actually not in tonight's episode. But whatever.) And I don't really watch those. I've managed to somehow have only seen maybe two episodes of Law & Order ever.

Anyway, the lead won me over. The voiceovers were a bit much a lot of the time, but the guy playing Mick came across as likeable, with a good sense of humor. And was not bad-looking, which certainly helped. The problem was the love interest. She just did nothing for me. I'm really hoping that the first episodes showed why Mick was so in love with her. Not that I advocate letting people die, but it was just kind of hard understanding why he would sacrifice himself the way he did for her.

It was kind of interesting trying to figure out the rules of vampires on this show. It's one of those cases that I'd have to watch more to understand, but it's always fun figuring that stuff out. It seemed kind of weird that one of the vampires appeared to be in daylight, but maybe he has some special glass in his office that protects him? Now I'm trying to remember whether on Angel, he ever hung out in Wolfram & Hart offices--with windows--during the day.

I totally let out a little squeal the first time Dohring popped up on screen. Yay, Logan! (And they evilly had a different character named Logan. Don't do that, shows! It's confusing!) And honestly, the character is Logan. Which is fine, because Dohring is awesome at that role. But I'd be very interested to see him in something different.

(I also admit that when I saw Forgetting Sarah Marshall last week, I wished for a Dohring cameo. I don't care. I'm going to pretend that Kristen Bell's character winds up with him in the end. Logan + Veronica 4ever!)

Right. Anyway. I'd watch it again, but honestly, I pretty much only watched it tonight because the O's game was postponed. It was enjoyable enough, I guess. They should increase the Dohring and lessen the love interest, and I'd be much more into it.

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