Monday, September 8, 2008

Um, fairly clean, I think

I have gotten hooked on How Clean Is Your House? on BBC America. Love it. Every time I feel bad about my apartment getting a bit dusty, I just think of this show, and am totally over it. (I mean, they not infrequently have to use shovels to get to the floor in these homes.) Plus, it's so fun seeing homes in Britain! And fabulous accents! And Kim calling everyone "My love"!

I just can't imagine being one of the people doing the heavy lifting in the background. Talk about completely gross work for very little benefit. Of course, I suppose at least they do get to be on television; after all, there are people out there doing that kind of work who don't get to be on tv.

It would be nice if they had a show where they revisited a bunch of people. Each episode does show how the person is doing a couple weeks or a month later, but I want to know how everyone's coping in 6 months, or a year. Like how What Not to Wear does the occasion episode where they bring back people they've made over, to see how things are holding up. Because some of the people on this show seem to have more issues than just letting the cleaning going for a little while.

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