Sunday, March 8, 2009


I've enjoyed The Amazing Race since its early season. I even went to a few TARCons in New York (I want to say for Seasons 3 and 4, maybe). It's such a great show; you get to see fabulous places, and the placement of the teams is largely in their own hands.
Tonight's leg was one of my favorites ever, based entirely on where they went and what they did. They went to Siberia. How awesome is that? I want to go to Russia and think it would be so cool to get to Siberia; or, at least, get as far east as where the Romanovs were killed. (Because yes, I find that intriguing.) You know what would rock? Going on the Trans-Siberian Railway. Um. Anyway. Cool!
And then, as if going to Sibera wasn't enough, they had BOBSLED! It was very similar to the bobsled I did in Jamaica last December, and seriously, every time they showed it, I got all happy. And then annoyed that most of the teams hadn't heard of Chekhov. It's not like he isn't famous, people. I shudder to think of what the Russian judge there thought of us. I'm sure she's heard of Mark Twain, you know?
So thanks, Amazing Race. You totally made my night.

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