Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Of adaptations and awesome talk show appearances

So apparently Michael Gambon, the actor who's played Dumbledore since the third Harry Potter movie, hasn't read any of the books. And neither have Ralph Fiennes (Voldemort) or Alan Rickman (Snape). As actors, they don't want the books to influence them--they want to rely solely on the script. Which is fine, I guess, though it's not like they'd be watching another actor play the part--they can't steal anyone's ideas except the author's, which doesn't really seem like a bad idea. It bothers me in Gambon's case, though, because there's a piece of Dumbledore that seems to be missing; I can't quite put my finger on it, but some of his empathy and whimsy or something isn't there. He does fine, but I feel like the movie version of Dumbledore just isn't as great as the book version. Fiennes and Rickman are both fine in their roles, but neither role is as complex, really, as Dumbledore--or, at least, have as much that's not in the script. I think Gambon's missing out by not reading the books, and I think the audience is missing out because of it.

In other news, I am kind of in love with Daniel Radcliffe now.

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