Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Not Bitter

I follow Jen Lancaster (author of Bitter Is the New Black, amongst others) on Twitter (she's @altgeldshrugged). Something she posted a month ago (...and I am only writing about now, yes) caught my eye:
To clarify, I can appreciate the acting, writing, and staging - just hate the characters, the moral turpitude, and the feeling of nihilism. from web

got Fletch the first season of Mad Men for Christmas. After everyone's rave reviews, am a bit surprised at how much I dislike this show. from web

I found it interesting because it kind of reflects how I feel about her writing. Kind of. Reading her books--particularly Bitter Is the New Black--I kept thinking how I didn't really like her, but man, she was funny. Her writing is really well-done and amusing. I couldn't relate to, like, anything she was talking about (high-powered job; stable relationship; loads of confidence; losing a job; scraping the bottom of the barrel, financially) and I couldn't imagine having a conversation with her and enjoying it...but I couldn't put the book down. And I've since bought her other books. (Don't have Pretty in Plaid yet; waiting for paperback.)

It helps that I do read her blog and Twitter; she's easier for me to get a grasp on now, I think. But those tweets reflect how I felt after reading Bitter.

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