Wednesday, March 17, 2010

No Superman

Tonight was the finale of Scrubs. Well, sort of. The real finale, I think, for most people was a year ago. (I mean, really. It was called "My Finale." And the hallway scene? The final montage? Plus, after a season or two of the show getting weaker, the last season came through in a BIG way. The characters returned to form and it all gelled.)

This past season's hybrid was just strange. I understand why they brought Zach Braff in for a few episodes, but it was handled incredibly oddly. Why was J.D. leaving after a few classes? He was there, they talked about the fact that he was leaving, but never why, really. And it was odd seeing Turk and having him talk about Carla, but never seeing her.

I will say that the Med School season got stronger as it went on. Braff leaving helped, I think. The characters became more complete, though I think it would've been better to have Drew as the narrator instead of the girl--who obviously is so incredibly memorable that a mere hour after watching the show, I can't remember her name. (Lucy! Got it.) We don't need a J.D.-lite, particularly when they made her as crazy as J.D. was in later seasons. Early J.D. was odd, admittedly, but the absurdity didn't take over until the middle seasons.

(That having been said, I did love Lucy's horse obsession.)

And by tonight's episode, I found myself enjoying the characters. I wouldn't mind spending more time with them, but I can't imagine how long this show could've gone on. I'm not particularly sad to see it go--it did end strong. Except the coda, with Turk. I wish they would've acknowledged the end of the show better. Or used it to acknowledge the end of the show at all.

(I'm also a bit disturbed that I only found out in passing that it was the "series finale." I didn't see an announcement anywhere. Which means that I'm afraid Better Off Ted--which is AWESOME--has been dropped as well, and I just don't have confirmation. Oh, BOT. You deserved so much more.)

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