Monday, April 12, 2010

Darn good tv

A bit belated, but the other day was the 20th anniversary of the debut of Twin Peaks. And thinking back, there is NO WAY that 11-year-old me should've been watching that show. I actually can't think of Bob without getting freaked out.

I would like to go back and rewatch. I'd probably limit myself to daytime viewing, but it'd be cool to see how well it holds up and whether 31-year-old Barb is as fascinated by the weirdness as 11-year-old Barb was. I feel like I may have less patience for that than I did back then.

But then, it does have Kyle McLaughlin.

So, for your enjoyment, Sesame Street's take on it. (I find it hard to believe that Sesame Street did this. Did it make ANY sense to the kids watching?)

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