Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Chamber of Awesome, maybe

I revealed myself as a total geek to some coworkers today. Most realize that I'm a total geek, but these were coworkers I didn't know very well. The topic? Harry Potter. I could not be more excited about the new movies if I tried. I make little squeaking noises every time I see a new trailer (like here).

It's amazing how well those stories hold together. I caught most of Chamber of Secrets on tv this weekend and it really drove home how important that book is in the overall story. I remember the first few times I read it, I wasn't blown away. I enjoyed it, sure, but thought it was basically just a rehash of Sorcerer's Stone. Entertaining enough, but I wasn't bowled over.

But then the saga continued. And the elements of CoS started to resonate throughout the other books. The house elves. The history of Voldemort. So good. The more I read the books, the more I watch the story, the more I'm impressed by what Rowling did.

Anyway...just a few weeks left! Yay!

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