Monday, June 9, 2008

We...need them?

So I was reading a recap of a Sweet Valley Twins book (...shut up) (and you should totally check that site out; some of the recappers are awesome), and there was a link to this. And I was at work and that was bad. Because being doubled over at my desk, trying to snort quietly does not work terribly well.

Seriously, people. WTF? Who is that band on the island? Where did the record player come from? And why are Ginger, Mary Ann, and Mrs. Howell putting on this production in the first place? Also, Mrs. Howell needs to not be allowed to dance. Like, ever again. And what's up with her hair? Actually, the dancing thing goes for Mary Ann as well.

A summary of the episode in question can be found here. Man, I'm never again going to think Lost is too strange.

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