Thursday, September 18, 2008

I've got a beautiful feeling

As I had iTunes going a few days ago, I happened to glance at it and noticed that John Raitt was listed as the "Artist" for a song. Now, there's nothing surprising about that--I certainly have plenty of showtunes in there, and he's quite the legend, what with Carousel and Oklahoma and everything, and I've been hooked on his version of "Hey There" lately. The thing that caught me by surprise was that the song was from the 1994 Jekyll & Hyde concept album (which, by the way, is definitely superior to the Broadway version; Anthony Warlow is beyond fantastic). When I got the album, the name John Raitt pretty much meant nothing to me, but now it's blowing my mind how cool it is that he did this album. I love when things like that pop up. Of course, by Jekyll & Hyde, he was playing the father of the romantic interest...but then, truth be told, he was old enough to play her grandfather.

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