Monday, November 24, 2008

On the negative side, I've been using the word "thing" a lot more

Leading up to the recent election, Bravo started airing The West Wing again. Honestly, I never should've seen this--they air it at 8 a.m., and I really should be out the door slightly ahead of that to make it to work on time. However, this is not always the case, and I wound up seeing that TWW was on. And now I can't stop watching. I've pulled out the DVDs and have watched at least a half dozen or so episodes over the past week.

Man, I forgot how good that show could be. The dialogue. The characters. The idealism. I still want Toby and C.J. to get together. In my world, that's how it happens. Anyway. But it is interesting watching it in light of how much things have changed since it was one--keeping in mind that I've been watching seasons 1 and 2.

It jumped out me in particular in the episode I watched tonight ("In This White House"). It's the first one with Ainsley, a Republican who winds up working in the Democratic White House. The conversation of her friends, talking about how much they hate the people working in the White House, really jumped out at me, considering how much more divided the country seems than it did back when it aired--October 24, 2000. Of course, a good portion of that division would begin not soon after. Anyway, it may not be a bad episode for people in general to watch now; just because someone believes things opposite of you doesn't make him or her worthless.

I also found myself somewhat uplifted. I guess I kind of see Obama as Bartlet. Hey, there are worse things to aspire to.

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