Saturday, December 13, 2008


I was reading Entertainment Weekly when I saw that Beverly Garland had died. It listed My Three Sons as her major work, but I immediately recognized the name as Dottie, Amanda's mother, from Scarecrow & Mrs. King (which tragically is still not available on DVD). She was so spunky. At least, on the show.

I also saw that Van Johnson had died, and I recognized his picture and the name, and was like, "How do I know him?" Naturally it wasn't any of the big things he'd done, like The Caine Mutiny. Nope. Scrolling through his IMDb listing, I realized that I knew him as Jeff from Brigadoon (with Gene Kelly). (Best quote? "Frank, put it on the bill." "The bill, sir, is very high." "So am I!")

It's really impressive, looking at their careers. Garland has credits dating back to 1950; Johnson, to 1940. I bet they had some awesome stories to tell.

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