Sunday, June 22, 2008

Calling the Doctor

I watched something like five episodes of Doctor Who this weekend and after some of them, started reading the episode threads on TWoP. And while reading those threads, I realized that I am so not going to obsess about the show. I think there's just way too much backstory; I mean, the show's been around for over 40 years. And when people pointed out allusions to previous episodes or aliens or something, I was like, "Eh, whatever. I'll figure it out if it's important."

I am very grateful for Wikipedia's episode pages--particularly since they list the guest stars. It seems like in every episode there's been someone I recognized. This should not surprise me, as I've long believed that there are only so many British actors out there. Anyway, Wikipedia will also explain anything that confuses me. Bless you, Wikipedia.

Instead of obsessing over the show, I think I'll obsess over David Tennant. Who is Scottish. I just died a bit. And given the little I've gleaned about his love life, he seems to go for younger women. Call me!

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