Sunday, July 13, 2008

Thanks, I'll just go home with Bonnie Jean instead

I was reading the TWOP thread about the Legally Blonde reality show and someone said that one of the current cast members is going to be in the Brigadoon revival, which I found completely exciting. Brigadoon revival? Excellent!

And then I did a search, found out a bit about the revival, and became a lot less excited. In a Playbill article on it, I found this:
Guare, according to the Post, has rewritten the original Alan Jay Lerner book: Brigadoon is now "a pacificist town that 'disappeared' in 1939 because its inhabitants didn't want to live in a world torn apart by war."

What? Why? No, seriously. Why? Obviously they'd have to change the mechanics of how Brigadoon works, because it hasn't been 100 years since 1939. Would the town now appear for a day every 10 years? That doesn't seem good enough for the story; Tommy has to know that if he walks away from Fiona, he walks away forever--he can't pop in again in 10 years. (I mean, sure, that would suck, but is still a bit different.)

Honestly, I don't see the need to change it at all. But it really grates that it sounds like they're adding political undertones to it.

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