Thursday, September 10, 2009

They really got a hold on me

If you want to buy me a present and are trying to figure out what that should be, you can't go wrong with the 3 B's: baseball, Broadway, and Beatles. If it's related to one or any of those, you're pretty much good to go. So really, it was inevitable that I would wind up buying Beatles Rock Band. What's surprising is that I've managed to pry myself away from it and am on the computer at the moment.

Seriously, I love it. I am incredibly bad at it. The vocals I do OK on (...somehow). But guitar? Drums? Not so much. However, there's a fabulous combination of practice modes and the "Easy" (read: cannot fail) modes that make it incredibly enjoyable.

I realized years ago that I don't really have the ability to do many thing at once. I can tap dance, but can only barely add arm movements. I can't imagine trying to sing as well; I can't do that when I learn a routine to a song I already know. So playing a game that asks me to use both hands to drum, then also use the foot pedal? HAHAHAHA. Seriously, it makes me really appreciate what musicians do. I'm plugging away at the easy mode, and I can see little Video Ringo banging away on a not even particularly complicated song. It's just so impressive. And it makes me happy to see articles like this--appreciate Ringo, dammit!

I will say that I have a new goal in life. I want to be able to do this:

Ask me in a few years how that's coming.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

There's also a 'no fail' mode so you can try the higher difficulty levels without failing out. The only caveat is that your score won't count.